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Diestco  |  SKU: S73-8344

Side Access Seatback Bag for Mobility Scooters, Power Chairs, & Wheelchairs


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If you find that your lifestyle requires you to carry a lot around with you; books, folders, electronic tablets and such, then a good backseat bag is a must-have. The ubiquitous backpack may be one of civilization's greatest inventions, but there has to be a better way than just trying to sling a regular backpack across your scooter or power chair's seatback.

Here is a unique bag that offers several solutions at once. Our side access seatback bag has a horizontal zipper on the top, vertical zippers along both sides, and another zippered pocket on the back for all of those smaller items that we carry around. Someone did their homework when they designed this seatback bag. The two vertical zippers allow you to reach right around and access the bag's copious interior spaces without having to get out of your seat.

The bag will fit just about any motorized mobility device from manual wheelchairs to lightweight travel scooters to high-back electric power chairs. In addition, there is a strip of reflective tape on the back that can be seen up to 300 yards away.

All in all, this backseat bag is just another example of Monster Scooter Parts bringing our customers some of the best, most useful, and economical mobility solutions around.

⚠ WARNING California Residents: Proposition 65 Warning

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Height: 13"
Width: 12"
Depth: 4"
